Today sees the launch of the Family Mediation Council’s Family Mediation Week.
Family Mediation Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of family mediation and of the benefits it can bring to separating families. The FMC’s aim is to let more people know about the benefits of family mediation and encourage separating couples to think about family mediation as a way of helping them take control, make decisions together and build a positive future for their family.
Having practiced as a Family lawyer for over 20 years, I have seen first-hand both the emotional and financial cost for couples who end up in court.
Over the course of the week, the FMC will publish resources, information and blog posts; plus look out for news stories in local, regional and national media explaining the benefits of mediation. There will be two webinars for the public on Tuesday and Wednesday – Events for the Public – Family Mediation Council
In my experience, mediation works best when paired with supportive legal advice so that the parties’ discussions in mediation are informed, focused and productive. Our lawyers can provide that support, discuss whether mediation is likely to be the right option for you and signpost you to experienced mediators.
To receive advice on this or any other Family Law issue, please contact our Family Team on 020 8304 4884 or family@alettashaw.co.uk